International Parking & Mobility Institute



The CAPP Certification logo on a white background.


Josh Stone, CAPP

Current Position

Executive Director, Parking & Transportation Services, Virginia Commonwealth University

Home Base

Richmond, Virginia

Year of CAPP Certification


Reason for Pursuing CAPP Certification

When I decided to make parking my career, I knew I wanted to have the knowledge to be successful and I knew CAPP was part of that process. CAPP is essential to demonstrate to industry leaders that you have the knowledge to lead large and complex operations in an ever-changing world.

Roadblocks or Obstacles Overcome in the Journey to CAPP Certification

The biggest obstacle was probably me. CAPP seemed like a daunting challenge, especially considering the knowledge needed wasn’t in a specific class or book. You had to learn as you go and compile what you needed to achieve the knowledge to not only receive the points needed to sit for the CAPP certification test, but actually take the test.

Impact the Certification Has Made on Your Career

Gaining the CAPP Certification has given me the confidence needed to trust my judgement and advocate on a very senior level for my operation and even achieve the role in which I hold today. CAPP was a preferred qualification for my current job and having it gave me a leg up.

Best Advice for Those Considering CAPP Certification

Go for it! Even if you are not sure you’ll pass, go for it, and try. It never hurts to try and gain more knowledge. Consult with CAPPs you know to determine what sort of books you should be reading and what sort of knowledge is needed to pass the CAPP certification test. CAPPs are very supportive of each other and of those wanting to get CAPP certification.

Kevin Rowland, CAPP

To learn more about Lissette or contact her, visit her LinkedIn page.

Josh Stone, CAPP

To learn more about Cynthia or contact her, visit her LinkedIn page.

When I decided to make parking my career, I knew I wanted to have the knowledge to be successful and I knew CAPP was part of that process.”

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