International Parking & Mobility Institute



CAPP Professional: Lissette O. Hernandez, CAPP

Photo of Lissette Hernandez
The CAPP Certification logo on a white background.


Lissette O. Hernandez, CAPP

Current Position:
Director of Sustainability and Physical Plant Parking, Sustainability & Transportation Operations & Safety
Florida International University

Home Base:
Miami, FL

Reason for Pursuing CAPP Certification:
The CAPP credential helped enhance my professional knowledge and improve my career while meeting great industry professionals. These professionals created a pool of courteous and comradely individuals with a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practices of parking management which I wanted to be part of.

Roadblocks or Obstacles Overcome on the Journey to CAPP Certification:
I was blessed to always have incredibly supportive bosses who encouraged any learning opportunities.

Impact the Certification Has Made on Your Career:
CAPP certification helped me grow from a starting position to where I am now. It gave me a wide perspective from enforcement, to garage maintenance, to the financial aspects of bonds and parking operations.

Best Advice for Those Considering CAPP Certification:
Get your CAPP certification! It will provide you with a wide variety of perspectives and expertise. Classes are great, IPMI staff are wonderful and will provide you with the guidance needed to succeed, and finally, all the “CAPPers” are a great resource and always willing to help our fellow parking industry professionals!

Lissette O. Hernandez, CAPP

To learn more about Lissette or contact her, visit her LinkedIn page.

The CAPP credential helped enhance my professional knowledge and improve my career while meeting great industry professionals.”

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