International Parking & Mobility Institute



CAPP Professional: Wady Burgos, CAPP

A man in a black blazer is posing for a photo.
The CAPP Certification logo on a white background.


Wady Burgos, CAPP

Current Position
Parking & TDM Coordinator
City of Westminster, Colorado

Home Base
Westminster, Colorado

Reason for Pursuing CAPP Certification:
The CAPP credential is the top certification in our industry. Since I first joined IPMI, I knew that becoming a CAPP professional would help me demonstrate and improve my skills and knowledge, while encouraging me to stay current on trends and best practices.

Roadblocks or Obstacles Overcome on the Journey to CAPP Certification:
Understanding my areas of strength within the examination content outline, as well as those areas where I needed to put in more effort, was a challenge for me. Once those were identified, I was able to build on my strengths and dedicate more time to those that needed more attention.

Impact the Certification Has Made on Your Career:
It has been incredible to see how this certification has helped me contribute to our industry, and to guide other colleagues in their CAPP journey. It has also motivated me to stay on top of my game and find new challenges like volunteering and helping others advance their careers.

Best Advice for Those Considering CAPP Certification:
Take some time to figure out what you know, and most importantly what you don’t know, about parking, mobility, and transportation. Be honest during that process, and I promise you everything will be so much easier. And of course, find a mentor; someone that will walk with you, keep you on track, and provide support during your journey from day one.

Wady Burgos, CAPP

To learn more about Wady or contact him, visit his LinkedIn.

“It has been incredible to see how this certification has helped me contribute to our industry, and to guide other colleagues in their CAPP journey.”

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