International Parking & Mobility Institute



CAPP Professional: George J. Mclean, CAPP

George J. Mclean, a black man in a suit, posing for a photo.
The CAPP Certification logo on a white background.


George J. Mclean, CAPP

Current Position:
Senior Business Analyst
Miami Parking Authority

Home Base:
Miami, FL

Reason for Pursuing CAPP Certification:
I chose to become CAPP certified because I wanted to be recognized as an industry leader. The CAPP certification is one of the top credentials in the parking industry. This designation represents my commitment to advancing the profession through innovation, professionalism, and expertise. More importantly, it is an opportunity for me to give back to my industry peers by sharing my professional knowledge through presentations, classes, and mentorship.

Roadblocks or Obstacles Overcome on the Journey to CAPP Certification:
My journey to becoming CAPP certified had its challenges and obstacles. The CAPP certification requires professional development courses and experience to become eligible to sit for the exam in addition to studying. Luckily, my employer was incredibly supportive in the process and provided me with the tools and resources necessary to meet the requirements early on in my career. I would suggest that future CAPPs sit with their respective employer to explain the benefits of attaining the CAPP certification, and the endless return on investment from being recognized as an industry leader.

Impact the Certification Has Made on Your Career:
The CAPP certification has had a tremendous impact on my professional career. Once you receive the certification and it is officially announced to the CAPP community, you inherit another family of industry professionals. Achieving the CAPP certification has opened doors that were previously closed to me and provided me with opportunities to network with other industry peers who are very knowledgeable. I have had the opportunity to moderate and teach classes at IPMI’s premier industry conference and mentor other professionals on their journey to achieving their CAPP certification. These experiences have broadened my knowledge base and supported my professional growth beyond measures.

Best Advice for Those Considering CAPP Certification:
The best advice I would give to an individual interested in applying for the CAPP certification is to research it, find a mentor, and speak to your employer regarding the benefits of achieving this certification. CAPP certification has a considerable time commitment in and outside the workplace, but the benefits are endless. Attaining this certification will place you amongst the best in the industry and provide you with opportunities not previously afforded. Once the decision is made to pursue CAPP, it is crucial that you are fully committed to completing the requirements and studying for and passing the test! Lastly, always ask for help! As a CAPP professional, we are always willing to help a candidate in their process in any way we can!

George J. Mclean, CAPP

To learn more about George or contact him, visit his LinkedIn page.

“This designation represents my commitment to advancing the profession through innovation, professionalism, and expertise.”

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