International Parking & Mobility Institute



CAPP Professional: Brandy Stanley, CAPP, MBA

Brandy Stanley
The CAPP Certification logo on a white background.


Brandy Stanley, CAPP, MBA

Current Position:
VP, State & Local Market Development

Home Base:
Las Vegas, NV

Reason for Pursuing CAPP Certification:
I had thought about it for several years but I wanted to close gaps in my knowledge and set an example for others who were intimidated by the prospect of becoming CAPP certified.

Roadblocks or Obstacles Overcome on the Journey to CAPP Certification:
It takes preparation and focus to achieve which can be difficult when you are extremely busy.

Impact the Certification Has Made on Your Career:
I’ve had a long tenure in parking, so I didn’t think it would have a huge impact, but the extensive CAPP peer networking has been a great surprise.

Best Advice for Those Considering CAPP Certification:
Anyone considering it should do it. It is not just the letters after your name, it is a rigorous learning experience that really will improve your knowledge of the parking industry.

Brandy Stanley, CAPP, MBA

To learn more about Brandy or contact her, visit her LinkedIn page.

It is not just the letters after your name, it is a rigorous learning experience that really will improve your knowledge of the parking industry.”

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