International Parking & Mobility Institute



State & Regional Spotlight

Parking Association of Virginias + Middle Atlantic Parking Association

PAV and MAPA Announce Merger / captainvector

The MAPA logo represents the merger of the Middle Atlantic Parking Association and PAV.
The Parking Association of the Virginias embraces future technology to enhance mobility in parking and utilize innovative solutions.

The Board of Directors of the Parking Association of Virginias (PAV) and the Mid Atlantic Parking Association (MAPA) are excited to announce the merger of the two associations effective immediately. The merger, which was officially approved during a joint-board meeting held on October 26th, 2023, had been in consideration for several years. The new association will bring together parking and transportation professionals from the greater Mid-Atlantic area including Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, West Virginia, and Washington DC.

“MAPA and PAV are mirror images of each other,” said Rob Fries, Parking Manager for the City of Virginia Beach, and current President of PAV. “Each organization brings our membership bases together for the common goals of advancing the parking profession and continuing education for membership. We are stronger together.”

Since 1987, MAPA has supported parking and transportation professionals throughout the region hosting many successful conferences, training seminars, and networking events. Similarly, PAV was founded in 1988 and has a very strong history of hosting their own conferences and events. Both associations have a diverse and engaged membership base that comes from all parts of the industry including municipalities, universities, transit agencies, airport authorities, hospitals, commercial operators, technology providers, other vendors, and more. 

In recent years, the two associations held several successful joint events including conferences, training seminars, and networking events. The joint events received rave reviews from our membership, and we were encouraged to seriously consider a permanent merger. “It was a no brainer to merge,” said Chuck Boddy, Director of Parking Services at the University of Maryland Baltimore County, and current President of MAPA. “Our memberships overlap, and our geographical boundaries are very similar. Combining the organizations will allow enhanced educational opportunities for our members with less duplication of programing. It’s a win-win for all.”

During the first few months of 2024, the joint Board of Directors will be busy finalizing the merger. Key aspects of the transition include:

  • Establishment of new by-laws which will define all aspects of the association including the makeup of the new board members, election criteria and terms of service.
  • Consolidation of all business functions including legal, tax, banking, and accounting functions.
  • Planning the initial events calendar including the Annual Fall Conference as well as other training sessions and networking events.
  • Naming and branding of the new association, as well as the development of a new website, marketing program, and membership outreach.

For more exciting details on the merger or to get involved with the new MAPA/PAV Association, please contact Rob Maroney, CAPP at ◆

Vice President, Government and University Services|

Rob E. Maroney, CAPP, is Vice President, Government and University Services for LAZ Parking and a member of IPMI’s State & Regional Association Committee, and current Secretary for the Board of Directors of PAV.

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