International Parking & Mobility Institute



5 Things

Abstract blurred image of an expo room

things / Andrii Yalanskyi / Icons-Studio

Five Things To Do When You Return From a Conference

You made it back! If you were with us in NOLA at #IPMI2022, you are probably just getting back into the swing of things at home and at the office. Hopefully while you were in the Big Easy you made a lot of new contacts, cultivated your old ones, and learned valuable takeaways from both the Expo and the education sessions.

Now that you are settled back in, how can you be sure to maximize all the great things you did, learned, and experienced while you were at Conference?

Here are five things that will help you get the most return from your Conference experience:

1Update LinkedIn. Gather all those business cards and connect! Remember to write a personalized connection message so they will remember who you are and accept your invite. You will be surprised at how often these contacts can come in handy as you move throughout the year! If you really connected with someone, be sure to follow up with a more detailed email or (gasp) a phone call.

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vector illustration from the top down looking at paper person is writing on with pen on their desk / vladwel

2Brain Dump. While it is fresh in your mind, get it down on paper! Go back over any notes you took in education sessions and re-consider any sessions you went to and jot down your thoughts. Use this information as reference material over and over. Your thoughts and spin on what you heard and saw makes for excellent blog posts and thought leadership.

3Pass Along the Knowledge. Chances are that not everyone in your company had the chance to attend Conference. Share the important learning and knowledge and multiply your company’s return on investment! Write a white paper, create a presentation, set up a lunch and learn—there are so many ways to pass along what you have learned. Become the office hero!

share connection icon / Sona
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4Assess the Conference Value. All conferences have costs associated with them. Did you get a good return on your investment? If not, what can you change up next year to get a better result? Analyze sponsorship, awards, exhibiting, and other opportunities for visibility and look to get discounts for early sign-on.

5Put What You Learned into Practice. What did you learn that you can put into practice right away? What concepts can help you do your job better, faster, or with an improved service outcome? Did you uncover a new passion, curiosity, or set a new goal thanks to something you experienced at Conference? Then get to work! Think through how you can implement what you have learned.

creative idea concept - yellow paper balled up to look like light bulb / Worawut
Director of Communications & Member Engagement |

Melissa Rysak, CPSM, is the Director of Communications & Member Engagement for IPMI and the editor of Parking & Mobility magazine.

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