International Parking & Mobility Institute



5 Things

Arial Shot of parking lot with solar panels


shutterstock / wadstock

5 Things That Increase Sustainability in Parking & Mobility

The parking, mobility, and transportation sector is not one that immediately inspires thoughts of sustainability. In fact, many consider it the opposite: emissions from vehicles that spend too much time searching for parking; large fleets of vehicles idling at curbs; asphalt parking lots eating away at green space. The transportation sector is one of the largest contributors to U.S. greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, accounting for 29 percent of total GHG emissions nationally in 2020. But for all the ways that parking and mobility is perceived to have a negative environmental impact, there are new innovations that are creating a sustainable reality for parking and mobility. Here are five ways our industry is making strides towards a greener and more sustainable future:

1Lighting. From changing over to LED lighting, one of the most sustainable types of lighting, to making better use of windows and glass walls to allow for more sunlight, to installing sensors ensuring lighting is only on when needed, lighting offers one of the most significant, and easiest, ways to decrease our footprint and increase sustainability.

expanded view of LED bulb isolated on white background / mipan
A sustainable image of a green roof on a building. / sunflowerey

2Green Roofs/Landscaping. Green roofs offer a multitude of environmental advantages. Their vegetation and drainage components help to soak up excess stormwater, and they can reduce energy costs by helping to moderate the temperature in a structure. When a facility does not have a top floor conducive to a green roof, adding greenspace or other landscaping can have the same positive impacts. 

3Green Energy/Solar. Opting for a green energy source or installing solar panels to power parking structures and lots can go a long way towards sustainability. From lighting to gates to ticketing and powering EV charging stations, parking facilities can use a significant amount of energy. Drawing that energy from sustainable sources reduces the environmental impact. 

A solar panel logo promoting sustainability on a white background. / nasirktk
An electric car charging station with sustainable mobility options and a green screen. / Golden Sikorka

4EV Charging Stations. By making it easier for EV owners to charge, including EV charging stations in parking garages encourages their purchase and use. 

5Offer Multi-Modal Cooperation/Opportunities. Installing parking for bikes and scooters and going as far as to partner with companies that offer ride sharing for those modes can encourage users to commute using alternative transportation methods. With safe places to park and lock their bikes/scooters, and stations where they can charge electric versions, many commuters may consider this option and leave their cars at home.

Isometric illustration of a sustainable bicycle parking station promoting mobility. / Golden Sikorka

This article has been written and/or compiled by the staff of Parking & Mobility magazine.

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