International Parking & Mobility Institute



Wireless Electric Vehicle Charging Is a Fast-Growing Opportunity for the Parking Industry

An orange car, utilizing wireless electric vehicle charging technology, is driving down the road.

Wireless Electric Vehicle Charging Is a Fast-Growing Opportunity for the Parking Industry


By Bill Pierce

The parking and electric vehicle charging industries are closely aligned. This is because parking facilities are ideal locations for EVs to charge. It makes good sense for parking facilities to install EV charging.

The International Energy Agency (IEA) expects growth in the American EV market to continue this year, with electric car sales reaching over 1.5 million in 2023, which would grow U.S. electric car sales to around 12%. The growing number of EVs hitting the market adds opportunities to parking facilities for new revenue in EV charging.

Wired EV charging is the leading way to charge EVs. However, technical advancements have introduced wireless EV charging as a better alternative. Numerous advantages of wireless EV charging exist, including more convenience, improved safety, lower costs, and reduced wear and tear. Wireless EV charging is poised to become the standard for EV refueling, driving us toward a future where charging your electric vehicle is as effortless as parking.

Some of the many benefits of wireless EV charging are that rain, snow, and extreme hot or cold temperatures do not affect energy transfer. In most cases, the operating expenses of wireless EV charging are less than wired charging. Costs are reduced by around 50% per year for switching to wireless, and the total cost of ownership is typically 30% lower. Wireless EV charging is not less efficient than plugged EV charging. The two charging types have virtually the same efficiency of 90%.

Bill Pierce is the Publisher of and is a Marketing Consultant at InductEV. He can be reached at [email protected].


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