International Parking & Mobility Institute



IPMI Volunteers Moving the Industry Forward

A group of hands with the word volunteer written on them, showcasing the spirit of volunteering discussed in IPMI discussions.

IPMI Volunteers Moving the Industry Forward

A group of hands with the word volunteer written on them, showcasing the spirit of volunteering discussed in IPMI discussions.

Thank you to the hundreds of IPMI members that stepped forward in the “Call for Volunteers”  to participate on our committees and task forces.

These volunteers will work on projects and activities including an EV charging cohort,  smart transportation, utilizing technology, incorporating sustainability into your parking and mobility programs, and planning, design and construction best practices among many other industry priorities. The Conference Program Task Force and Awards Committee members have a jump start, as they are already reviewing submissions to be recognized and presented in 2023 at IPMI’s  Conference & Expo in Fort Worth, Texas.

All of our working committees roster talented people from a cross-section of our industry professionals. These working groups produce information that ends up being utilized by our membership and IPMI’s affiliated State & Regional Associations; their work products will also be shared with elected officials and global audiences, helping to educate them on the value of parking and mobility.  These committees are so integral to the fabric of IPMI that at least one member (sometimes two) of the IPMI Board of Directors is assigned to help guide their activities.

Volunteering, at its core, provides people with an avenue to share their passion for a topic and for others to become subject matter experts called upon by their peers for feedback.  Regardless of the reasons for volunteering at IPMI, we are very grateful to have such talented people sharing their expertise to move this industry forward.

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