International Parking & Mobility Institute



APO—If Not Now, When?

The logo for the accredited parking organization, recognized by the IPMI Board of Directors.

I was with a client recently who shared that they aspire to become an Accredited Parking Organization (APO)…in five years. “Five years, why wait five years? I think you’re much closer than you think,” I responded. Rationally I get it. One naturally hesitates even with a basic understanding of what’s required to earn global recognition as one of the top parking and mobility organizations. It’s not easy and it requires significant effort.

While the goal should clearly be earning accreditation, going through the process makes yours a better parking organization. You will be forced to consider shortcomings by creating processes and procedures based on industry best practices. You’ll look comprehensively at your operation and facilities with a playbook designed by industry thought leaders. And you’ll build teamwork and accountability as you work through evaluating criteria and where you measure against established global standards.

Some folks hesitate pursuing APO because they want everything to be “perfect” before investing the time and energy needed to earn accreditation to which I share Voltaire’s famous advice to not let perfect be the enemy of good. Good organizations can earn their APO and should start now.

What better time than now?

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