International Parking & Mobility Institute



5 Things

Local government building

things / Wangkun Jia / dihard / kras99 / ChaiwutNNN / Natis / petovarga

5 Challenges Faced by State and Local Governments

1Talent. Human capital is a huge challenge for the government sector. The Baby Boomer population is larger than the generation behind it and finding the right people to replace an aging workforce leaves them competing with private industry for a small pool of applicants. To win the right staff, agencies will be forced to look at non-traditional perks and hybrid working, neither of which have been adopted widely or quickly in the public service arena. (See the Business of Parking column)

A group of people working together on a block of cubes in a local community space.
A colorful assortment of cubes scattered against a blank white background.

2Technology. Many agencies are mired in antiquated processes that are inefficient for both staff and citizens. While some have embraced the digital marketplace and made the jump to implement a digital strategy, most are still very much behind the curve in applying new technologies to their operations. (See the Mobility & Tech column)

3Cybersecurity. Along with the increase in technology, use comes an increased threat of a cyber-attack for governments. While applying new technology can pay significant dividends in efficiency and revenue, it opens agencies up to a whole new category of risk they may be ill-prepared for, making them vulnerable to hackers. Securing and protecting the data and infrastructure, as well as having a disaster recovery plan in place, are vital as agencies make the transition to digital. 

A blue padlock on a white background for State and Local Parking.
A stack of dollar bills on a white background representing state and local parking.

4Alternative Revenue Sources. As traditional sources of income—for parking, we are looking at parking fees and ticketing specifically—evolve, governments need to re-examine their revenue and look for new opportunities. (See the feature articles on Non-Criminal Adjudication and Economics of the Curb)

5Sustainability. One sustainability topic seems to be everywhere: electric vehicles (EVs). State and local governments are looking at their roles when it comes to EV rollouts, from providing charging stations to converting fleets and public transportation to electric. (See the Green Standard column)

Isometric vector illustration of electric vehicles charging at a charging station.

This article has been written and/or compiled by the staff of Parking & Mobility magazine.

Illustration, with a green/yellow overlay, of a EV cars charging in a environmentally friendly city.


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