International Parking & Mobility Institute



5 Things

A 2020-themed notebook and a cup of coffee on a wooden table.

5 Great Resolutions to Boost Your Career

Lose weight. Exercise more. Organize the junk drawer(s). New Year’s resolutions are as old as time, and for all that time, we’ve had a difficult time keeping them. But some January 1 promises aren’t as difficult as others and can actually help you at work. CareerAddict recently published their list of
25 resolutions to inspire you at work—here are our favorite five.

1Revamp your social media profiles. Many employers search job candidates on social media—does your profile reflect the current professional you? Clean out the ugly stuff and shine up the good stuff to boost your image on the internet.

2Make new connections. Strike up a conversation in chat during your next virtual meeting and arm yourself with great icebreakers for the next in-person event (#IPMI2022 is coming!). Even getting to know people in other departments of your organization can help grow your network and your opportunities.

3Get moving more. Take a walk at lunchtime or invite attendees of your next meeting to walk while you talk instead of parking at a table. A little exercise and fresh air not only makes your body feel better, but it clears those mental cobwebs and helps your thinking too.

4Develop your communication skills. Learning to use less confrontational language, clear up written sentences, and Slack more effectively will help you get your ideas and feedback out there better. There are a ton of free, online courses to get you started.

5Think retirement. No, not right now, but if you can pitch in to a 401(k), IRA, or other retirement savings vehicle, it’s never too early. Most of those savings are pre-tax and many come out of your paycheck invisibly. A nest egg for later is a big stress reducer! / Irina Strelnikova / mast3r / danijelala / electriceye

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