International Parking & Mobility Institute



Editor’s Note

Melissa Rysak headshot

Editor's Note

I am writing this note to you before I leave for the July #IPMI2022 Parking & Mobility Conference & Expo, so while you will be reading it after you return, I am not ready to give you my download yet! More on that in the issues to follow. 

Instead, I find myself in an interesting state of mind. As I work to curate the articles for you to read in this issue, focused on transportation equity and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), my thoughts keep going to inequity. Inequity is a funny thing. We all think we understand what it is, and that we know it when we see it. I know I would like to think that I am someone who battles it—that I fight to even the scales of inequality when I cross its path. I must say, having done the research for this issue and read some of the pieces you are about to read, I now feel like I still have a lot to learn. But I am here for it, ready to learn with an open mind and heart. I hope you are too.

That is why I am so glad I work where I work. IPMI is a voice that helps spread learning—and we are grateful that you are here with us to receive the message. We learn from the best and the brightest that the parking and mobility industry has to offer, and as we learn more, we share it with you. As you learn more, you can share it with those who can make a difference in your world. After all, isn’t that how change happens? One lesson, one new idea, one better way at a time?

We have several great articles in this issue looking closely at both transportation equity and DEI. The Platinum Parking team has contributed a fantastic article on the implementation of their DEI program—they tell us to think of equity as supporting each staff member with the tools they need at the level they are currently working from. We hope that we are doing just that for all our members; supporting you at the level that you are working from, and helping you rise to meet your potential.

As always, thank you for spending some time with us. We have posted our editorial calendar for 2023, respond to our Call for Content open through August 26, 2022 to contribute your thought leadership to our community. Hope you get as much from this issue as I did!

melissa rysak signature

A woman with curly hair posing for a photo at the IPMI Conference.

I am writing this note to you before I leave for the July #IPMI2022 Parking & Mobility Conference & Expo, so while you will be reading it after you return, I am not ready to give you my download yet! More on that in the issues to follow. 

Instead, I find myself in an interesting state of mind. As I work to curate the articles for you to read in this issue, focused on transportation equity and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), my thoughts keep going to inequity. Inequity is a funny thing. We all think we understand what it is, and that we know it when we see it. I know I would like to think that I am someone who battles it—that I fight to even the scales of inequality when I cross its path. I must say, having done the research for this issue and read some of the pieces you are about to read, I now feel like I still have a lot to learn. But I am here for it, ready to learn with an open mind and heart. I hope you are too.

That is why I am so glad I work where I work. IPMI is a voice that helps spread learning—and we are grateful that you are here with us to receive the message. We learn from the best and the brightest that the parking and mobility industry has to offer, and as we learn more, we share it with you. As you learn more, you can share it with those who can make a difference in your world. After all, isn’t that how change happens? One lesson, one new idea, one better way at a time?

We have several great articles in this issue looking closely at both transportation equity and DEI. The Platinum Parking team has contributed a fantastic article on the implementation of their DEI program—they tell us to think of equity as supporting each staff member with the tools they need at the level they are currently working from. We hope that we are doing just that for all our members; supporting you at the level that you are working from, and helping you rise to meet your potential.

As always, thank you for spending some time with us. We have posted our editorial calendar for 2023, respond to our Call for Content open through August 26, 2022 to contribute your thought leadership to our community. Hope you get as much from this issue as I did!

melissa rysak signature

Director of Communications & Member Engagement |

Melissa Rysak, CPSM, is the Director of Communications & Member Engagement for IPMI and the editor of Parking & Mobility magazine.

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